Sunday, October 27, 2019



The results are in for the first ever NEWAbirders Interests Survey conducted here in October 2019. We had about a 25% response from members of the NEWAbirders Facebook Group. This isn't too bad if you believe what the experts tell you. But when you have 42 members and only 10 respond....then, well, you wonder how useful the results are. I actually think there are some very telling results that will be useful in planning future activities.

 Below is a link to the SurveyMonkey detailed results.

NEWAbirders Interests Survey October 2019

Long-billed Dowitcher at Colville sewage treatment ponds
Question 1: I'm Interested in Learning More About Birding Gear: field guides, binoculars, spotting scopes.
50% responded as Very or Extremely interested.

Question 2: I'm Interested in Learning More About Bird Photography and /or Digi-Scoping.
Only 30% responded as Very or Extremely interested.

Question 3: I'm Interested in Learning More About Bird Identification, Biology and/or Ecology.
90% responded as Very or Extremely interested (I think we have a hot topic!).

Question 4: I'm Interested in Learning More About Developing a Life List and Keeping a Record of My Bird Sightings.
50% responded as Very interested.

Question 5: I'm Interested in Learning About Good Local Birding Hot Spots.
100% responded as Very or Extremely interested...well, duh. (Another hot topic!)

Question 6: I'm Interested in Being a Part of a Beginner Birder Group With People of Similar Birding Skills, Experience and Interest.
Only 30% responded as Very or Extremely interested. But 50% did show interest.

Question 7: I'm Interested in Being a Part of a Intermediate or Advanced Birder Group With People of Similar Birding Skills, Experience and Interest.
50% responded as Very or Extremely interest. But a significant 80% showed at least some interest.

A couple of things things seem to jump out from these responses. One, there is a very keen interest in learning about good places to go birding, and folks would be interested in joining up with experienced and knowledgeable birders. Second, there is a high degree of interest in learning about bird identification, biology and ecology.

NEXT STEP? - Another Survey, of course! Look for an announcement of a follow up survey to help clarify what kind of events, workshops, speakers, or birding trips would interest people the most.

In the meantime, be sure to get out there and enjoy the beautiful autumn colors before they're gone. Interesting winter migrants are starting to arrive so keep your feeders full and binoculars handy!

Old Kettle Park 

Good Birding,

    - Hawkeye

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