Friday, April 5, 2019

Don't Be A Turkey - Northeast Washington Birders Wants You!

Strutting Wild Turkey, Barstow, WA

ATTENTION!  Don't miss the first ever gathering of the new Northeast Washington Birders. It's just two weeks away! 

WHEN: Saturday, April 20th, 7:00 PM

WHERE: Kettle Falls Library Community Room
                605 S. Meyers Street, Kettle Falls, WA 99141

WHY: Meet and greet fellow birders and plan for the  Global Big Day birding event, May 4, 2019. 

WHO: You! Open to the public. Northeast Washington Birders is for experience birders, inexperienced birders and folks who want to know more about birding.

We are an informal group of ordinary people who enjoy the outdoors, and who particularly enjoy observing, identifying, and understanding the wild birds of our region. We are non-partisan, non-political, and we do not advocate for any particular cause.

Our Vision

It's about getting outdoors, capturing moments with wild birds, and sharing those experiences with others.

Our Mission
To provide information for people to become better birders, recruit new people into this hobby/passion/pursuit, seek opportunities to contribute to citizen science efforts, and to serve as a connection to meet for birding trips and promote educational workshops.

Our first meeting will focus on how our birding passion can contribute to citizen science. Learn about about the upcoming Global Big Day birding event and how we can participate. 

So, if you're an old hand at birding, or just new to it or want o learn more, please join us on April 20th. 

More information will be coming as we get closer to the event. Stay tuned!

Good Birding!

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