Sunday, March 24, 2019

Duck, Duck...and Goose!

The snow and ice are finally giving way to shallow pools of open water. Green shoots are emerging from frigid soil. And the ducks and geese are on the move! Several new arrival include the Northern Pintail and the Green-winged Teal. These birds are augmenting increasing numbers of Mallard, American Wigeon and Ring-necked Duck that have overwintered in our area.

Here's a few shots from today's birding.

                    American Wigeon - beautiful drake

                 Canada Geese

             Green-winged Teal - probably wondering why he's standing in snow this late in March

            Northern Pintail - on their way north to Alberta or Alaska

              Ring-necked Duck

Today's outing found these feathered adventurer's feeding and loafing on fields that ranged from  snow cover to mud! The day also featured several great views of birds other than waterfowl. Soaring Bald Eagles, Red-tailed hawks, and a Say's Phoebe.

                          Bald Eagle

                          Pair of Red-Tailed hawks ('Rufous morph" on the right is a race known as                                       "Harlan's Red-tailed hawk)

                            Say's Phoebe - usually the first Tyrant flycatcher to return each spring

The spring migration is heating up. Get out there are see what's new today. If you don't you might miss your one chance this year to see certain species. Be on the look out for Tundra Swans, especially. They are here early and gone very quickly.

Good Birding -        Hawkeye

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