Monday, February 11, 2019

A Year Away And Restarting An Idea

It has been more than a year since my first and only post. They say that life is that thing that happens when you've made other plans.  Life happened. With a renewed interest in bird photography I hope to post some of my better images, and the brief stories behind the. 

My other goal this year is to start up a Facebook page for Northeast Washington Birders. A place to post links to other birding sites, local news and announcements, and to organize local birding trips.  Perhaps my most intriguing goal is to actively recruit and educate new birders in our local area of Northeast Washington. 

Perhaps images like these will inspire some to come along and participate, or learn, or contribute.

                                         Black-capped Chickadee along the Kettle River

                                  American Dipper at Meyers falls Dam on the Colville River

                                          Bald Eagle along Artman-Gibson Road

                                          Male House Finch at backyard feeder in Kettle Falls

                                          Pileated Woodpecker at Old Kettle swim area on Lake Roosevelt

                                          Pygmy Nuthatch at Marcus Island Campground

One of the functions of this blog will also be to highlight upcoming activities for birders to join. For example, the Great Backyard Bird Count, is coming up on February 15-18, 2019. The event is sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Participants are encouraged to record their results on the eBird platform, sponsored by the Cornell lab Ornithology. 

the International Big Day is coming up on May 4, 2019.  This is a citizen science effort to have as many people, across the entire globe, get out and find, identify, and document as many different bird species as they can in one day - May 4th. Results from each birders efforts are recorded on the eBird platform, sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Well, that's enough for a start.  Good birding! - Hawkeye

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